Monday, December 16, 2013

Stills. Glass and Fire.

I found these installations at the medieval christmas fair in Eisenach. At daylight, they didn't really look all that exciting to me, but as soon as it became dark and there was basically torchlight and stuff everywhere I completely fell in love with them.
The artists name is R.S. Design, sadly there's no homepage I could link to.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Street Art?

Nature. Strawberry.


I got bored.

Skies. V.

Actually... look at this close-up:

My very first lightning caught on camera. ;_____;

Creatures. Mr. Freeze.

Nature. IV.

Creatures. The perfect Moment.

Skies. IV.

Creatures. Bumblebuttocks.

Creatures. Swan Lake Ballet.

I swear, the fucker was stretching for his next rehearsal.

Nature. III


Urban. VIII

Skies. III

Urban. VII

Urban. VI
